Company Newsfeed
How to post on the company newsfeed, and how to configure company's feed.
Refer to this video: Company Newsfeed
Namely's newsfeed allows administrators and employees to post updates and announcements that can be seen by the entire organization. You can post images, gifs, and links, and also change the font size and appearance of the text. You can also post employee appreciations to recognize co-workers for their efforts and achievements.
Note: Newsfeed features are dependent on a user's access role and the permissions they've been granted.
To post an update on the company newsfeed:
Type your message into the newsfeed text box.
To share an image, or gif click the paperclip or camera icons.
To send an email of your post to all employees, select the checkbox next to Email to all.
Click Share.
To edit something you’ve posted:
Hover over the post.
Click Edit.
Enter your message.
Click Share.
To like a post, click the heart icon.
To reply to a post, click Add Comment.
Change Font Size and Appearance
To make text larger, put a hashtag (#) in front of the text.
To make text smaller, put two hashtags (##) in front of the text.
To italicize your text, put an asterisk (*) before and after the text.
To bold your text, put two asterisks (**) before and after the text.
To make bullets, put an asterisk (*), minus (-), or plus (+) symbol, followed by a space, before the text.
Hyperlink Text
To hyperlink text, put brackets around the text you wish to hyperlink followed by the link URL in parentheses. (http:// or https:// required)
For example: [Click here to visit Namely's website.](
Tag an Employee
To tag an employee:
Type an @ symbol and begin typing the employee's name.
Select their name from the dropdown menu.
Depending on their settings, the employee may receive an email or in app notification that they've been tagged in a post. For more information on configuring your notification settings, see Personal Account Settings.
Post an Appreciation
To post an appreciation of an employee:
Click Appreciate.
Tag the employee.
Type your message.
Click Share.
For more information on appreciations, see Employee Appreciations.
You can configure the functionality of your newsfeed, including enabling "likes", comments, mentions, and appreciations. You can also customize which announcements are published in the newsfeed and surfaced in the homepage widgets.
Note: Only access roles with the necessary permissions will be able to configure the company newsfeed and homepage widgets.
To configure your company newsfeed and homepage widgets:
On the navigation bar, click the Company tab.
Click Settings.
Click Home Page Updates.
Select which features you want to enable in the newsfeed and homepage widgets.
Under Employee Engagement, you can:
Enable "likes" in the feed. Note: The ability to "like" is determined by the permissions of a user's access role.
Enable commenting in the feed. Note: The ability to comment is determined by the permissions of a user's access role.
Enable @mentions in the feed.
Enable appreciations in the feed. For more information on appreciations, see Employee Appreciations.
Under New Arrivals, you can:
Publish recent hires to the company in the feed. Note: Disabling this feature will permanently erase all comments and likes on existing new arrival posts.
Display recent arrivals in the homepage widgets and limit them by time period and number.
Under Birthdays, you can:
Publish employee birthdays in the feed. Note: Disabling this feature will permanently erase all comments and likes on existing birthday posts.
Display upcoming birthdays in the homepage widgets and limit them by time period and number.
Under Work Anniversaries, you can:
Publish employee work anniversaries in the feed. Note: Disabling this feature will permanently erase all comments and likes on existing Anniversary posts.
Display upcoming anniversaries in the homepage widgets and limit them by time period and number.
After making any desired changes, click Save.